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L'art sous toutes ses formes pour les professionnels, les collectionneurs, les amateurs et la curieux

The doors of the Nice old city

Publié le 13 Janvier 2025 par Philippe

The doors of the Nice old city

Exhibition at the old Senate of Nice until April 30th 2025, 14 Jules Gilly street, 06300 Nice, open Mondays (1pm - 5pm) and from Tuesdays to Fridays (9am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm), phone :, admission free.


The doors of the Nice old city are very usefull because they help to share, to set, to move in and also to tell the stories of those who have live in. These oak heavy doors colorfull decorated with patterns are highlighted by the drawer Géraldine Sablier towards 24 watercolors made with black ink. Her work incite the travellers to move through Collet street, Vieille square or street Droite until the square of the Palace. The Geraldine Sadlier drawings and the Laurent Constantini pictures build a link between the present and the past showing us the perfect ornemental ironwork owning by locksmiths.

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